Discover how simple interpretations of complex financial data, AI-driven trade ideas and beautiful, mobile-ready interfaces can help investors of all skill-levels find their next investment.
Empower investors
of all skill-levels to make timely, educated decisions with quality data, transparent analysis and a modern experience.
TC Quantamental Rating®
Investors gain a wealth of information at a glance with our concise, high-level view of how a stock is performing across Value, Growth, Momentum, Income and Quality.
TC Nowcasting®
A timely macroeconomic indicator manner for reliable insights on asset allocation, sector rotation and future price movements
Target Price
Provides an estimate for where the price of a stock should be in the next 12 months based on quantitative analysis.
Peer Comparisons
Compare high-level scores side-by-side for a simple and well rounded way to assess stock potential.
Trending View
The homepage’s bubble view displays the market movers- stocks with unusually high trading volume and high scores that investors will want to keep an eye on.
The Perfect Integration
Gain access to all our flexible integration capabilities to craft new unique experiences.
Beautiful, pre-built web app for an expedited launch
Embeddable widgets to weave through your platform
Powerful developer-friendly APIs to craft new insights
Adding quality fundamental research to your platform has never been easier.
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