Global beer stocks to quench your thirst on International Beer Day


Gary Christie

August 2, 2022


Min Read

Beer fans around the world have another excuse to enjoy a round this upcoming Friday. The first Friday of August is International Beer day!

The analyst desk at Trading Central dove into technical and Quantamental data in order to identify their favorite exchange listed beer companies to go with their pints on International Beer Day. And if you don’t like beer….your stock portfolio just might.

Using a branch of Artificial Intelligence called NLP (Natural Language Processing), Trading Central’s TC MarketBuzz found several beer companies with frothy news volume over the last 7 daysas we head into Friday. We also ran a screen inside TC Technical Insight and TC Technical Views to help us find interesting trading setups.

Market Buzz

stock ist

Topping the list is Diageo (DGE:LSE) home to the iconic Guinness brand from Dublin, Ireland that started back in 1759. The stock is onan 8-day win streak, the longest in 5 years. TC Market Buzz identified a seriesof price target increases giving the stock a positive sentiment score.

Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bullish technical sentiment on all timeframes:

Diageo technical insight


TC Technical Views, which uses a teamof global analysts and the power of automated trend following algorithms identified a rebound taking place in Diageo.

Diageo technical view

Our Preference: The upsideprevails as long as 3585 is support. Below 3585, expect 3444 and 3359.

Comment: The RSI isabove 50. The MACD is above its signal line and positive. The configuration ispositive. Moreover, the stock is trading above both its 20 and 50 day movingaverage (respectively at 3608.075 and 3614.82).


Anheuser-BuschInBev (ABI:BRU) is a Belgian multinational drink and brewing company and thelargest beer company on the planet.

Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bearish technical sentiment on all timeframes:

Anheuser-BuschInBev technical insight

TC Technical Views, indicateschoppy price action with a bearish bias.

Anheuser-BuschInBev technical view

 Our Preference: Downsidetarget of 48.30

Comment: The RSI isbelow 50. The MACD is positive and below its signal line. The MACD mustpenetrate its zero line to expect further downside. Moreover, the stock istrading under its 20 day moving average (53.673) but above its 50 day movingaverage (52.0929).

Heineken (HEIA:AEX) is the second-largest beer company in theworld and the largest in Europe.  

Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bullish technical sentiment on all timeframes:

Heineken technical insight

TC Technical Views has a bullish view as price actionattempts to break above April and May highs.  

Heineken technical view

Our Preference: Turning Up

Comment: The RSI isabove its neutrality area at 50. The MACD is above its signal line and positive. The configuration is positive. Moreover, the stock is above its 20 and 50 day moving average (respectively at 93.224 and 91.3852).

Kirin HoldingsCo LTD (2503:TYO) is the second-largest brewery in Japan and one of the largestin the world producing two of the most popular beers in Japan,  Kirin Lager (the country's oldest beer brand)and Ichigan Shibori.


Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bullish technical sentiment intermediate and long-term timehorizons however bearish on a short-term tome horizon:

irin HoldingsCo technical insight

  Looking at TCTechnical Views, The stock price has been in a well-defined up trendsince May.

irin HoldingsCo technical view

 Our Preference: As long as2120 is support look for 2310.

Comment: The RSI is aboveits neutrality area at 50. The MACD is positive and below its signal line. The stock could retrace in the short term. Moreover, the stock is trading above both its 20 and 50 day moving average (respectively at 2184.4924 and2074.7915).

Tsingtao Brewery (168:TYO) is China’s second-largest brewery which was founded by German settlers based in Hong Kong back in 1903.

Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bullish technical sentiment on all time horizons:

Tsingtao Brewery technical insight

TC Technical Views shows a rebound taking place asprice action attempts to break above June highs.

Tsingtao Brewery technical view


Our Preference: As long as72.6 is support look for 87.65.

Comment: The RSI isabove 50. The MACD is positive and below its signal line. The stock could retrace in the short term. Moreover, the stock is above its 20 and 50 day moving average (respectively at 76.005 and 70.7529).

Molson Coors (TAP:NYSE) is the largest beer seller in the U.S.A andone of the largest on the plant.  

Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bullish technical sentiment on all time horizons:

Molson Coors technical insight

TC Technical Views indicates an uptrend in playafter breaking to a new 52 week high.

Molson Coors technical vew

Our Preference: The upside prevails as long as 56.8 is support.

Comment: The RSI is above its neutrality area at 50. The MACD is above its signal line and positive. The configuration is positive. Moreover, the stock is trading above both its 20 and 50 day moving average (respectively at 57.428 and 54.9702).

Boston Beer Co (SAM:NYSE)is thefourth largest brewer in the United States.

Trading Central Technical Insight indicates a bullish technical sentiment on short-term and intermediate-term time horizons however long-term remains bearish:

Boston Beer  technical insight

TC Technical Views suggests a rebound is taking shape which could be the start of a new uptrend after the 20-day moving average crossed back above the 50-day moving average.

Boston Beer  technical view

Our Preference: The upside prevails as long as 351 is support.

Comment: The RSI isabove its neutrality area at 50. The MACD is above its signal line and positive. The configuration is positive. Moreover, the stock is trading above both its 20 and 50 day moving average (respectively at 335.1605 and 329.2294).

Here is a summary of the most recent classic technical patterns identified in the world beer industry using TC Technical Insights:

world beer industry using TC Technical Insights

Always remember to drink and trade responsibly, have a happy International Beer day!

Gary Christie is head of North American research at Trading Central in Ottawa.


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Gary Christie

Head of North American Research