TC Labs research paper recognized at the Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP) Conference


TC Marketing


August 15, 2024



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Enhanced financial text classification and summarization

Enhanced financial text classification and summarization

Trading Central’s A.I. & NLP innovation unit, TC Labs was recognized at the 8th annual FinNLP conference held in Jeju, South Korea this month. 

Titled “Quantization for Financial Text Classification & Summarization”, their research paper tackles the complex tasks of classifying financial text and creating accurate summaries. The model featured within the paper achieved a top 3 ranking within the June FinLLM Challenge Task 2024. 

Taking into consideration the complexities of language including industry-specific terms and vocabulary, this is a critical advancement enhancing financial analysis and decision making. 

The exploration into classification and summarization means accurately categorizing financial texts into key categories and transforming lengthy, intricate financial documents into concise, coherent summaries that encapsulate the most critical information. 

This approach not only improves financial products but also offers a more resource-efficient and competitive model training process than traditional methods.

Congratulations to the TC Labs team including Elvys Linhares Pontes, Mohamed Benjanney & special shoutout to Caryn Qu who represented us at the conference. 

Read the Research Paper written by TC Labs


Learn about the Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP) Conference  

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