Our latest release delivers beautiful new crisp, clear charts


TC Marketing


December 4, 2018



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Here at Trading Central, we work hard to continually improve the experience for our customers.

Because Trading Central's products meet at the intersection of human research and automated pattern recognition, they offer an unparalleled breadth of coverage that investors have been trusting for nearly 20 years! Throughout this time, investors have loved using our unbiased, high-conviction trade ideas, award-winning methodologies and key levels to optimize their trading strategies, but recently we've been hearing one recurring piece of feedback... the desire for cleaner, clearer charts.


Release TC25

Here at Trading Central, we welcome every opportunity to improve and to take user feedback seriously. We set out on a mission to modernize our charts to deliver the absolute best-in-class experience to both our users and to our online broker customers. Our newest product release TC25 brings the actionable research trusted globally for decades to the modern era with a new, simplified charting experience. 


The modernizations of TC25 are available to Analyst Views, Strategy Newsletter, Newsbrief, High Frequency Signals and TC Research Platform customers as of November 24th, 2018.


Our new charts are now crisp and clear at all available dimensions... to ensure they are always legible regardless of the image size selected for the application at hand. 


The updated design makes it easier to see our directional opinion, so that investors of all skillsets can grasp the main point, while still seeing all the detailed technical analysis that allows them to take full advantage of our award-winning methodology.


We switched to beautiful candlestick charts, to respond to this overwhelming preference by our active trading customers.



Want to learn more about the product suite revolutionizing how investors interact with technical and fundamental research? Learn more here. 



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